Published 11:16 PM by with 0 comment

How a Positive Attitude Affects Your Overall Health and Reduces Stress

A positive attitude always looks at the glass half full and knows that even if complications arise there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. A positive mind trusts that the outcome will be good. It's like waking up in the morning and saying: Hello world, here I am! I am going to have a wonderful day, I will be kind and loving, I will do the best job possible, and I will treat myself well.

A positive attitude includes gratitude. Appreciation for all that you have rather than complaining about what you don't have. Loving the fact that you are given the chance of a new day, a new promise and the opportunity to grow and evolve. Your purpose is to enjoy your life, not dread it or just get by day by day. Your purpose is to grow as a person, as a spiritual being. Your purpose is to be you. You are unique. No one is like you. We know that no one has the same finger prints, no one's eyes are the same and no one even speaks like you!

How does this positive attitude affect your health? Well it invigorates you, gives you a feeling of wellness, because being well is your natural state. When you love life you will be more active, you will strive for reaching your goals and you will certainly attract people that are on your frequency. Suddenly you will see the smiles on people's faces; you will be invited to more functions because everyone wants to be in your presence. You will radiate an attractive sense from the inside out - a welcome sign without saying a word!

I'm sure you have entered a room before and the air was so thick you could cut it. The people were tense, and even though no one was speaking a word, you could tell that something unpleasant just happened. But you also can enter a room and have a wonderful feeling of calmness or comfort; like your home should feel for you.

We all live in a world that has its challenges, but a positive thinker sees those challenges as tests or opportunities. They show up so you can improve yourself, fix your mistakes and find the right path to happiness. Just imagine, if we wouldn't experience any challenges we would never know if we are on the right path or not! Life is good, it is a spiritual state, it's an era of awakening towards the light, and life is certainly to be enjoyed!

Check out my new book "The Seeds Will Sprout Somewhere" at Amazon, or visit
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Published 10:27 PM by with 0 comment

Are You Searching For A Natural Eczema Treatment?

Eczema is a medical condition that affects the human skin. It manifests itself in the form of a skin rash that is characterized by a number of skin disorders such as swelling, dryness, redness, blistering and at times, bleeding. Eczema can be a rather uncomfortable condition that usually causes a person to scratch excessively to the point of inflammation. This in turn can lead to scarring or bleeding or even infection.

The most commonly prescribed medicine by doctors for the treatment of eczema is any one of a number of different steroidal creams. While this offers some temporary relief, it seldom reduces the long-term effects of eczema on a person's skin. The best remedy for eczema is some form of a natural eczema treatment.

Here are several natural eczema treatment's that should work to help you with your discomfort and keep your symptoms at bay.

1) Change your diet. One of the primary causes of eczema is poor nutrition. A positive change in your diet would help you to improve your overall level of nutrition. You should change your present diet to include more organic fruits, fresh juices, vegetables and fish. Also consider changing the milk you drink from cow's milk to goat or soy milk.

2) Change your clothing and your bed linens often. Another cause of eczema includes skin allergies and bacterial infection. The antigens that cause these allergies are very often hidden deep within your bed linen and your clothing. It is important to note that your skin is the largest organ in the body and as such, it is in great physical contact with your bed linen as you sleep. Try to ensure that all material that comes into contact with your skin is pure breathable cotton.

3) Colloidal Oatmeal is rich in nutrients and a wonderful natural eczema treatment. It helps to improve your skin's overall nutrition level, thus helping it to become healthier. This reduces the effect and impact of eczema on your skin.

4) Avoid alcohol based perfumes and washing detergents. These substances cause irritation and inflammation of the skin. They can further exacerbate the eczema condition that you may be grappling with.

5) Increase you daily fluid consumption. You probably already know that you should be drinking at least eight glasses of water per day. So now the question becomes, "are you doing so"?

These are the most effective means of natural eczema treatment. Be sure to follow them and your eczema problem is likely to be lessened in a couple of days. Your symptoms will subside and your quality of life will certainly improve.

Chris is a practicing pharmacist who writes on health care topics. You can see Chris's latest website on Eczema vs Psoriasis and learn all about the signs, symptoms, treatment and related information such as Eczema In Babies and much more.

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Published 10:09 PM by with 0 comment

7 Ways To Avoid The Pain Of Headaches

Headaches are common for many people, and often they recur too frequently for the sufferer. A variety of prescription and over-the-counter drugs may help control headaches, but they only mask the pain without addressing the cause.

Headache medications may also have side effects, especially with long term use. Hoping to find a more natural and holistic solution to chronic headaches, many people turn to chiropractic.

What is a headache?

A headache may occur because of muscular tension, sinus congestion, eyestrain and many other underlying causes. For many people they can start over the eyes, in the back of the head, on the sides or top of the head, or feel centred behind the eyes.

The one thing all headaches have in common is they hurt, and sometimes they hurt a lot. The amount of pain associated with a headache may range from a mild ache to a throbbing, nauseating, relentless pain.

The three types of common headache are:
  1. Tension headaches
  2. Migraines; and
  3. Cervicogenic headaches.

Most people seek chiropractic relief from cervicogenic headaches. Cervicogenic headaches are caused by pain referring to the head from the bony or soft tissues of the neck.

How can chiropractic help headaches?
Chiropractic can play an important role in easing cervicogenic and other headaches through manipulation and adjustments of the spine and neck - often reducing or preventing the headache.

Chiropractic adjustments help in releasing muscular tension, improving blood flow and realigning the skeleton to break the cycle of pain. Often patients with chronic headaches will find relief through chiropractic in just a few treatments, as muscles relax and nerve irritation is reduced.

7 Tips to avoid headaches
I often recommend exercising, stretching and changing posture, or teaching relaxation techniques to reduce or avoid headaches. For preventive care, here are seven tips to avoid getting headaches:

  1. If you watch television or use your computer make sure the room is well lit.
  2. Keep your teeth in good shape - holes or other dental issues can lead to repeating headaches.
  3. Watch what you eat... cut down on chocolate, cheese and ice cream, and avoid cold fizzy drinks.
  4. Reduce your stress levels as tension leads to strain and pain.
  5. Exercise daily. Some yoga or a brisk walk will help keep you feeling good.
  6. Drink at least 1.5 litres of water or other healthy fluids a day to ensure you don't dehydrate.
  7. If you are a desk worker, make sure your desk is set up correctly and take regular breaks to stretch.

If you have any family or friends suffering from headaches they should seek help from a chiropractor to determine the cause of the problem, or follow the tips above and see if that solves the problem.

When Dr Belinda Owen was 14 she knew she wanted to become a chiropractor. After visiting a family chiropractor she became hooked on the philosophy and power of chiropractic.cDr Owen has been in practice for more than 15 years and runs a business in Elwood, Melbourne. She practices gentle techniques such as SOT, Activator, Cranial and is Webster certified. For more health tips and advice visit

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Published 9:44 PM by with 0 comment

Muscle Building and Weight Gain at Any Age

A person's ability to gain muscle is wholly dependent upon a few important variables. The first thing that has to be considered is their own particular body makeup, for each individual due to their age and size will build muscle and gain weight at totally different metabolic rates. Most importantly though, is the training program a person decides to use, for not all programs are constructed the same, just like no two bodies are the same. One particular exercise program may work very well for a person, but it certainly doesn't mean it will work for all.

In saying that, there are scientific rules to muscle growth and if you follow these specific tried and tested rules, then you can build your own personal muscle-building program around them in whatever fashion you wish. Just make sure you follow the basic rules. If you are the type of person that can gain weight and build muscle rather easily, you should have no problem finding a routine, for most will work no matter what you do.

But what if you are a hard gainer?

In layman's terms, this is someone who will always struggle to build muscle because their body easily over-trains, lacks fat and actually breaks down the muscle itself for energy. So discovering what body type you are is the initial step towards building strong lean muscle and natural weight gain.

I personally advise all people to take extra days off in between their workouts to let their muscles fully recuperate; for if they decide to train again too soon with tired aching muscles, it will do more damage than good. Their muscles will noticeably weaken in only a few weeks and their strength will decline with it, due to over stress. Eventually the whole body's nervous system begins to fail, opening the person up to injury and bouts of inevitable illness.

It's a fact, that the majority of workout plans are not designed for hard gainers, purely because they are written by people who have never struggled to gain muscle, so most of their routines contain far too many exercises and sets for a beginner. But luckily there are trainers out there who take this sort of thing seriously into account and who design routines that have the person only working out when their muscles are 100% recovered.

This is known as "instinctive training."And personally I have always trained my clients in this fashion. Why would you stress your body with more weight lifting, if you weren't 100% recovered? Because for sure you will not increase any weight or reps, and it is these two important factors that matter most in your muscle-building and weight gain progression.

If someone was to ask me "how can I gain muscle", I would tell them, that the best workout routine for a hard gainer would consist of only 3 hours in the gym each week spread over two training sessions. Yes, only two. I would advise them to train more intensely by using a mixture of the most basic compound exercises and super sets, and I would certainly tell them to stay well clear of fixed machines.

I would advise them to train all their pulling muscles on one day and then all their pushing muscles the next, so that their body's nervous system can completely recover. At the very most I would suggest to anybody, that 3 one-hour sessions is quite enough. The 4 days off during the rest of the week, is ample time for the muscles to recuperate; but of course if you need the 5 days off then most certainly take them.

Again I ask you!
Why would you train if you weren't 100% fully recovered?
For more information go to-

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Published 7:45 PM by with 0 comment

How You Can Help Help Fight AIDS

Yes...YOU can play a very important role against HIV and AIDS

AIDS is the most pressing problems faced globally. We can prevent the spread by a very simple process of communication. Communicating to spread awareness. By just educating only one neighbor or friend per week, we can cover a very huge population is a very short span of time.

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. As the name suggests, AIDS is a syndrome i.e. a combination of many diseases due to failure of the Human Immunity System.

I just want to share a few basic facts, which need to be understood by us first and then need to be shared with others.
What is AIDS?

AIDS stands for "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome". A virus called HIV causes it. It is the late stage of infection with HIV, which damages and ultimately destroys the immune system.

What is HIV?

HIV stands for Human Immune Deficiency Virus. It is the virus that causes AIDS.

What is the difference between being HIV-positive and having AIDS?

Being HIV-positive, means being infected with the virus. It is within the body and is slowly destroying the immune system. However, when the immune system becomes very weak and the body starts developing a number of infections, it is called AIDS. From the time the person has been infected with the virus, it may take anywhere from 5 to 10 years for AIDS to develop.

Is there any way HIV can create itself?
HIV cannot create itself under any circumstances. The virus has to be present in a person's body and then passed on to someone else. HIV does not develop in a person's body on its own accord. It is found only in 'human beings' and can only be 'acquired' from another infected human being.

How is HIV transmitted?
HIV is transmitted in the following ways:
- By unprotected sexual intercourse with a person who is already infected with HIV. This is the most common way of getting HIV.

- By the transfusion of infected blood and blood products.
- By sharing needles contaminated with HIV infected blood.
- By a HIV positive pregnant women to the new born baby. Before, during or just after delivery (through breast feeding).
HIV cannot enter the human body in any other way.

How does one protect oneself from infection?

"Prevention is always better than cure". The only way to protect from this disease is by not sharing needles, not coming in contact with infected blood and having protected sexual intercourse.
Now if we understand these basic 6 questions and spread this information, we will be saving not just one person but the entire family...the entire generation.
My Blog is located at [] Here I have listed the most common FAQs related to HIV and AIDS                    

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Published 7:28 PM by with 0 comment

How to Get Rid of Cold Sores Naturally

Problems like cold sores happen to be very common which give an embarrassing and hurtful experience to the sufferer. They can appear without any notice and generally come out at bad times. A number of people have to live up with flare-ups that interfere in their daily routine. Here are some solutions which can prove helpful to you in treating cold sores.

A lot of people can identify the beginning of the formation of a cold sore the moment they suffer from one or two breakouts. The blister starts with a tingling or pain which is then followed by a tough swelling round the mouth region. The blister may then appear like a liquid-filled bump red in color just after 1 or 2 days. Finally this blister breaks and crusts over and this whole process may last for days or may be even weeks. It is not only the hurtful nature of blisters but the sufferers also get embarrassed due to the breakouts due to which treatment of cold sore is required.

To know about how you should get away from the problems of these sores, it is first important to understand what exactly the cause behind it is. The reason behind the formation of such sores is basically the strain of herpes which is a virus that remains inactive in the human body for some time and then comes forward to form this uncomfortable unsightly blister. This virus is infectious and thus contagious and can proliferate during as well as after the breakout. Fortunately, once you get rid of the cold sore, you don't have to worry about its contagious nature.

For the treatment of such sore, you can either consult a doctor or may make your own home remedy. Unluckily, home treatments rarely prove to be beneficial. Even, the medical prescriptions may not guarantee you to treat the cold sore. However, many doctors advice to let the sore run its path or prescribe remedies which may help in shortening its duration of path. Although, these techniques are rarely helpful but never allow another breakout.

The author is also an expert in the field of reverse phone lookup and to do a quick phone number search please visit his official website now.

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Published 9:35 PM by with 0 comment

How To Protect Yourself From the Sun

Safe sun requires more than just applying sunscreen. It requires common sense. As good as some sunscreens are getting, they alone are not the answer. Activities like fishing or going to the beach for a day are not a problem as long as you have total quality protection. This means investing in a good hat, visors, sunglasses, protective clothing, and a high quality sunscreen.

The majority of people claim that they are not out in the sun. Yet, driving in a car, sitting in an office near a window, walking to the mail box, common everyday occurrences... have a cumulative effect and lead to photo-aging of the skin. You still need protection! It only takes 10 minutes of UV exposure to start the damaging effects. Get in the right frame of mind and start using quality sunscreen.

Be a picture of good healthy skin.

Wear protection every day, all year round, for UVA exposure.

Avoid sun exposure from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. when UVB levels are at their highest. Apply a UVA & UVB Broad Spectrum sunscreen at least 20 - 30 minutes before going into the sun. Active ingredients need this time to set up or "activate". Be sure to apply your sunscreen according to the directions to ensure proper protection. If possible, do not apply anything to your skin after you have applied a sunscreen. Many components in moisturizers and makeup can affect the efficacy of the sunscreen and their protection values. Do not wear perfumes or colognes when exposed to the sun. These products can sensitize your skin to ultraviolet light and increase the damage caused by exposure to the sun. Some prescription medication can sensitive you to the sun. Consult your physician. Wear sunscreen in all weather condition. Sun bounces off sand, water and snow and can cause more damage.

Protection is not as simple as one might think. SPF does not guarantee that a specific sunscreen is the best protection for the prevention of skin damage from UV radiation. Many sunscreen products lack quality and offer marginal efficacy. Some products lure you into thinking that not only will you get protection from the sun but that you will also have perfect skin.

The most important function of a sunscreen is to protect you from UV radiation and skin cancer that all too often can follow from over-exposure. Therefore, you need to be aware of the quality and the overall efficacy that various products have to offer.

Best Information on Skin Care in the nation. By Connie, let me help you find the best sunscreen.


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Published 8:36 PM by with 0 comment

7 Powerful Ways to Stop Hair Loss

Hair loss is common and widespread in both men and women, especially as people age. You don't have to just face it without doing anything. There are plenty of preventative measures you can take in order to be proactive. Continue reading to find out more information, and use these 7 powerful ways to stop hair loss.

One preventative measure you can take is to change up your diet. Quit eating all the processed foods high in sugars, bad fats, and carbohydrates. Instead, eat a diet that includes all the food groups so that your body gets the right nutrients and vitamins. This ensures that your body stays healthy overall and that your hair stays healthy individually also. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and make sure that you eat healthy fats, which are good for your skin and hair.

Sometimes hair loss can be caused by a separate medical condition that you might not even know you have. Or, you can be taking medications that are causing your hair loss as well. Make sure you speak with your doctor because he or she can tell you if this is the case with your condition. Wearing hats or other things on your head too often can cause hair loss as well. This mats your hair down, and it also can break hair. Hair needs to be treated gently as much as possible. Don't keep hats off your head permanently if you like to wear them, but just don't wear them all the time.

If you have hair care products in your hair throughout the day, you need to be sure that you wash your hair at the end of the day to get rid of them. Leaving them in overnight will damage your hair, and this will cause hair loss. You need to be using all-natural shampoos and conditioners on your hair as well. These are usually high-end, but they are worth the money. Don't just take their word for it either. Make sure you look at the labels, and you can even speak with a dermatologist for recommendations too. Maybe someone you know has already checked into this, and you can get the recommendations from him or her.
When you get out of the shower, are you immediately drying your hair with a towel? This is abrasive to your hair, and you need to let it dry naturally. This means no using blow-dryers either. This is harmful for your hair, and it can cause your hair to be damaged and fall out. You can wrap a towel around your hair, but make sure that you're being gentle. Also, don't immediately start brushing your hair while it's wet. This will also cause your hair to fall out as well.

If you are a woman that likes to pull her hair back or put it up in different hairstyles, make sure that you're not too rough with your hair. Pulling it back too tightly will not be good for your hair. You want to be gentle, and you want to make sure you're not abusing your hair. The hair brush that you use needs to have hard bristles. Does anyone remember when your mom used to brush your hair as a kid and you would want to tell her to stop because it hurts. Many people love using soft bristle brushes, but they're not good for your scalp. You don't need to do it as hard as your mother did, but you do need to revitalize your scalp.

Make sure you're eating a well-balanced and healthy diet and drinking plenty of water. This is very important. Think about it! If you need a healthy diet so that your whole body stays healthy and can fight against diseases, wouldn't it be the same thing for hair loss? Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and make sure you you eat all food groups in a healthy way. The balanced diet and a good vitamin will give you everything your body needs all the way around to stay healthy. In order to keep your skin and scalp healthy, you also need to make sure you're adding plenty of healthy oils to your daily diet. Omega fish oil is good, and eating plenty of healthy fish choices for meat instead of red meat all the time will help do this for you.

There are things you can do besides just brushing your scalp to help you have good scalp circulation. One thing is to gently massage your scalp with your hands. You don't want to do this in a bad way to where you disrupt follicles and pull hair out consistently. Also, getting plenty of exercise, (another thing that keeps you healthy overall), will help your scalp have good blood circulation as well. Do you see how everything as far as your health is tied together?

Stress may also causing hair loss

Stress is also known to be a cause of hair loss. Most people are very busy and also do not get enough sleep. Worry and tension due to work or family situations will definitely contribute to hair loss. This stress factor is often not recognized as a cause or, if it is, people may feel there is nothing they can do about it. But that need not be so. Setting aside a time each day to relax, to meditate or listen to music that melts away your cares, can help restore a calm and happy state of mind. It is important to do this before sleep. Going to sleep while feeling tense, unhappy, or in turmoil over unresolved conflicts will seldom lead to a deep, rejuvenating night's sleep. Your hair follicles need this restorative rest just as much as the rest of your body. Stress, if not relieved, can lead to a notable increase in hair loss.

Traditionally, hair loss has been a condition that people just accepted because they felt there was nothing they could do. However, whether it's already started for you or you're trying to keep it from happening, you need to remember the tips you've read in this article. There are many things you can do to help out your situation, and you definitely shouldn't just take what comes. Do what you can, and start stopping that hair loss today.



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Published 8:32 PM by with 0 comment

How to Cure Acne Naturally With the Best Natural Skin Care Product

Acne is a problem that calls for concern among most folks because it mars one's beautiful appearance. It often occurs on the face, at the back of the neck and at the trunk of the body. Are you in search for a powerful remedy for your skin? Amongst all suggestions, here is a simple guide on how to cure acne naturally using raw honey.

Honey has proven to be naturally medicinal in power. It has healing properties whether it is applied on the skin to cure acne or to heal wounds and burns, or it is taking orally to help boost the body metabolisms for a healthy lifestyle. Indeed, honey can effectively act as a natural skin care product which any infected person can use to take care of his or her skin blemishes.

In order to cure acne naturally, manuka honey should be applied. What are the healing properties of manuka honey?

1. It acts as an anti-biotic agent. 

2. It serves as an anti-bacteria agent. 

3. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Honey is a good acne treatment option because it does not bring about any skin irritation; it is even gentle and mild in its cleansing action on sensitive skin.

The use of manuka honey has many benefits. It can be used as a face mask for the removal of dirt or impurities. Honey can help you to have a shining, clear skin. It also helps to combat untimely aging or wrinkling of the skin. Apply it for about 15 minutes every day to your face, if you want to use it as a facial mask.

As an acne cure, apply manuka honey to the infected areas or spots overnight. On the following morning, wash your face with warm water. You may even take a warm bath if it is in other parts of your body.

When you want to buy manuka honey, make sure you find out its UMF (unique manuka factor) and see that it is a minimum of 20. It is this value that determines the degree of the honey's anti-bacteria power.

These are vital tips on how you can cure acne naturally with the usage of honey because it is proven to be an amazing mask as well as a natural skin cleanser. When next you are thinking about effective natural remedy for skin conditions such as pimples, just consider the use of honey as it is good for all kinds of skin, no matter how sensitive theskin may be.
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